A FLUXFIN, está ligada a um grupo empresarial, que inclui outras valências na área da consultoria, tendo ainda
desenvolvido uma rede de parcerias com outras empresas exteriores ao grupo, detendo também uma carteira de
consultores especializados em regime liberal, em áreas complementares daquelas em que opera, como por exemplo nas
tecnologias de informação, recursos humanos, marketing e publicidade, etc. Internacionalmente a FLUXFIN, faz parte
de uma rede de auditoras e consultoras, distribuídas por mais de 60 países.
Apresentam-se a seguir as entidades com quem a FLUXFIN tem parcerias.
"Bizarro do Vale & Associado, SROC, L.da" offers chartered accounting services, and it is FLUXFIN's preferred partner as concerns auditing and the implementation of internal controls. It is also member of an international group, PRIMEGLOBAL, which allow us to help our clients all over the world, namely with respect to international accounting and taxation issues.
TURNAROUND is FLUXFIN partner for all Corporate Finance or Community funds projects.
STONE SOUP is our partner to support the realization of projects related with the third sector, particularly its components of Fund Raising, social project management and development strategy.
PRIMEGLOBAL is an international network of consultants and auditors, currently the 10th largest in the world (3rd in independents), consisting of 314 firms, with over 800 offices spread across 87 countries, covering all continents enabling TURNAROUND the access to best International practices regarding to the third sector, being integrated with worldwide references in the sector such as Buzzacott (England) or Jégard Leo et Associés (France).